Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

"Case studies in actionable investigations."


ISSUE:  Our client was the petitioner in a divorce case. The respondent in the case was not truthful and was deceptive in reporting income from his cash business in financial declarations submitted to the court. 

INVESTIGATION:  GRI conducted survelliance at the respondent's business and home over a six-month period. During the survelliance, we obtained video evidence of numerous cash transactions with customers.  Our evidence showed he was under reporting his business income. Our evidence was submitted to the client's attorney for review. Based on our investigation, our client was able to enter into a favorable settlement with the respondent. 


ISSUE:  Our attorney client needed to locate and interview 40 lay witnesses in a civil case with "SLAPP" Issues. Discovery documents submitted to our client from the opposing counsel, only showed the names of the witnesses without any contact information. The attorney required the witnesses to be located and interviewed to determine if they would be deposed and/or used as witnesses at trial. 

INVESTIGATION:  GRI utilized various investigative techniques to locate the names and contact information of the witnesses. Most of the witnesses were interviewed in person and the statements were submitted to our attorney client for review. As a result of our investigative work, our client was able to enter into a favorable settlement with the plaintiff.


ISSUE:  Our client was a plaintiff in a breach of contract lawsuit. Client needed to prove that the defendant was not truthful in statements made to the court about his living conditions, employment and financial situation.

INVESTIGATION:  GRI conducted surveillance on the defendant over a four-month period and provided evidence to the client showing the defendant in activities that proved he was deceptive in statements made in court. Additionally, our investigators testified in trial court about the investigation and evidence. As a result of our witness testimony, our client obtained a verdict in her favor. The judge stated there was "overwhelming evidence" in the trial that allowed the win for the client. 


ISSUE:  Client was a plaintiff in a unlawful detainer (Eviction) matter. Client owned a property with a tenant who was in violation of the terms of the lease. The client had received numerous complaints of misconduct from the surrounding neighbors and needed evidence to support her case in court to evict the tenant. 

INVESTIGATION:  GRI conducted surveillance on the defendant over six weeks.  After the six weeks, all video and photographic evidence was turned over to the client's attorney for use in court. As a result of our surveillance and investigation, the client was able to enter into a favorable settlement and reclaim her property.


ISSUE:  Client was the petitioner in a family law matter. The Client was paying a substantial amount of monthly spousal support to his ex-wife. The client obtained information that the ex-wife was living a lavish lifestyle with a man after the divorce. California courts may consider an ex-spouse's cohabitation as a "change in circumstances" that qualifies as a means to revisit a spousal support order per CA. Family Code 4323 (a) (1).

INVESTIGATION:  GRI conducted survelliance at the ex-wife's home and business over a two-month period. The evidence and video footage showed she was living with her employee and in a romantic intimate relationship. GRI Investigators testified in trial court about the investigation. Based on our investigation, the client was able to modify his support order in his favor. 


ISSUE:  Our client was accused of murder after shooting and killing a gang member ("deceased") who was also a drug dealer. One evening, our client was walking in an apartment parking lot with his girlfriend. The deceased confronted our client and made threatening statements to kill him and to rape his girlfriend. The deceased produced a handgun and shot at our client numerous times. Fearing for his life, our client shot and killed the deceased. The district attorney's office charged our client with first degree murder with a potential of 25 years to life in prison. 

INVESTIGATION:  We reviewed all of the discovery in the case and determined law enforcement did not interview other witnesses who may have had critical and/or mitigating information about the case. We found and interviewed numerous witnesses that were not originally interviewed by the police detectives. Our witnesses stated the deceased was a "bully" in the neighborhood and used threats to quiet potential witnesses of crimes that were committed by the deceased. Witnesses also stated the same deceased person had stabbed our client in the arm and chest months prior to the shooting. The client had not disclosed to police detectives the identity of the person who had stabbed him for fear of retaliation to him and his family. As a result of our investigation and new witness statements, the defense attorney felt this was a clear case of self-defense. The defense attorney was able to negotiate a reasonable plea deal down to manslaughter from the original first degree murder charge with four years in custody; with time served and good behavior, our client will be out of custody in two years or less. Based on the circumstances surrounding the homicide, our client was pleased with the outcome.